Change UW task status to In Review

API Method: POST /api/v1/uwTasks/setStatusInReview


This API endpoint allows you to change the status of a specific Underwriting (UW) task to "In Review." Underwriting tasks are part of the merchant onboarding process, where each task goes through various stages, including completion and review. This endpoint is used when a task has been submitted or updated and needs to be reviewed by the underwriting team.


  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/uwTasks/setStatusInReview
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body Parameters:

The request must include the following parameters:

  • ID (required):
    The unique identifier of the merchant whose UW task is being updated.

    • Type: int32
    • Example: "ID": 12345
  • ticketId (required):
    The identifier of the specific underwriting task (ticket) that is being marked as "In Review."

    • Type: int32
    • Example: "ticketId": 67890


  • Status Code:

    • 200 OK: If the task status is successfully updated to "In Review."
    • 400 Bad Request: If the ID or ticketId is missing or invalid.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue processing the request.
  • Response Body:
    A confirmation message indicating the successful change of task status.

Example Request:

POST /api/v1/uwTasks/setStatusInReview
Content-Type: application/json

  "ID": 12345,
  "ticketId": 67890

Example Response:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "UW task with ticketId 67890 is now In Review for merchant ID 12345"

Use Case:

This API method is used by ISO/ISV, administrators, or underwriting teams to mark a specific underwriting task as 'In Review.' This status change typically occurs when a task has been submitted and is awaiting review or approval by the relevant team. It helps keep the underwriting process organized and ensures that tasks are properly tracked.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!