Create and submit banking services application

API Method: POST /api/v1/banking/submit


This API endpoint allows to create and submit a banking services application. The application typically includes the merchant's banking details, business information, and required documentation for setting up payment processing services. This endpoint is part of the onboarding process who wish to use banking services associated with a payment processor.


  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/banking/submit

Request Body Parameters:

The request body should be in JSON format and include the following fields:


  • Status Code:

    • 201 Created: If the banking services application is successfully created and submitted.
    • 400 Bad Request: If required fields are missing or the request contains invalid data.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is a failure in processing the request.
  • Response Body:
    The response body contains a confirmation of the submitted application, including an application ID for tracking purposes.

Use Case:

This API method is used during the merchant onboarding process to gather and submit banking information required for the setup of payment services. Merchants or administrative teams can use this endpoint to provide the necessary details for facilitating transactions, deposits, and settlements.

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