Get merchant's service acceptance

Certainly! Here’s a description for the API method GET /api/v1/merchant/productSetup:

GET /api/v1/merchant/productSetup

Retrieves the current service acceptance status and setup information for a merchant. This endpoint provides details about which products and services the merchant is configured to accept, including any relevant setup information or configurations. It is useful for understanding the merchant's current product setup and ensuring that all required services are correctly enabled and operational.

GET /api/v1/merchant/productSetup

Request Parameters:

  • merchantId (optional): The unique identifier for the merchant whose product setup information is being requested. If not provided, the response will include information for the currently authenticated merchant.

Success Response (200 OK):


Error Response:

  • 404 Not Found: If the merchant ID is invalid or not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: For any server-side issues or unexpected errors.

This endpoint is typically used by merchant management systems or support teams to verify and monitor the setup status of a merchant's service acceptance and to facilitate any necessary configuration updates.

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