Retrieve bording settings based on API user's ISO

API Endpoint: GET /api/v1/GetBoardingSettings


The GET /api/v1/GetBoardingSettings API method retrieves the boarding settings specific to the Independent Sales Organization (ISO) associated with the API user's account. These settings define the configurations, rules, and preferences for merchant onboarding, tailored to the ISO’s requirements. The endpoint allows the ISO to access and review these settings, ensuring the onboarding process aligns with their business needs and regulations.


This endpoint provides details about the boarding configurations, such as merchant eligibility criteria, required documents, onboarding workflow, and other settings that influence how merchants are boarded onto the payment processing platform. It allows ISOs to manage and ensure the appropriate settings are applied during the merchant onboarding process.

HTTP Request Method:

  • GET


  • /api/v1/GetBoardingSettings


  • Required: Yes
  • Authentication Method: Basic Token or API Key provided in the request header.

Request Headers:

  • Authorization: Basic<token> (required) - Used to authenticate the API call and link it to the ISO.
  • Content-Type: application/json (optional).

Query Parameters:

  • None (the boarding settings are specific to the ISO associated with the API user's token).

Success Response:

  • Status Code: 200 OK
  • Response Body (JSON format):
    "data": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "9180 / 404955",
        "bin": "404955",
        "bank": "9180",
        "association": "999001",
        "agent": "000000",
        "discoverEnabled": true,
        "icaNumber": "1996",
        "ergId": "Unified Payments 81716",
        "noFees": false,
        "allowSpecifyMIDBoardingAPI": false
        "id": 42,
        "name": "FFB TSYS 423110",
        "bin": "423110",
        "bank": "7421",
        "association": "999003",
        "agent": "000000",
        "discoverEnabled": true,
        "icaNumber": "33610",
        "ergId": "FFB423110",
        "noFees": false,
        "allowSpecifyMIDBoardingAPI": false
        "id": 43,
        "name": "FFB TSYS BIN 400118",
        "bin": "400118",
        "bank": "7421",
        "association": "999999",
        "agent": "000000",
        "discoverEnabled": false,
        "icaNumber": "33610",
        "ergId": "Unified Payments 81716",
        "noFees": false,
        "allowSpecifyMIDBoardingAPI": false
        "id": 44,
        "name": "FFB TSYS 423110 New",
        "bin": "423110",
        "bank": "7421",
        "association": "999999",
        "agent": "000000",
        "discoverEnabled": false,
        "icaNumber": "33610",
        "ergId": "Unified Payments 81716",
        "noFees": false,
        "allowSpecifyMIDBoardingAPI": false
        "id": 45,
        "name": "FFB TSYS 400109",
        "bin": "400109",
        "bank": "7421",
        "association": "999999",
        "agent": "000000",
        "discoverEnabled": true,
        "icaNumber": "33610",
        "ergId": "Unified Payments 81716",
        "noFees": false,
        "allowSpecifyMIDBoardingAPI": false
    "status": 200,
    "requestId": 18488

Error Responses:

  • 401 Unauthorized:
    • Occurs if the request lacks valid authentication credentials.
    • Response body:
        "error": "Unauthorized",
        "message": "Invalid or missing token"
  • 403 Forbidden:
    • Occurs if the API user does not have permission to access boarding settings for the ISO.
    • Response body:
        "error": "Forbidden",
        "message": "You do not have permission to access this resource"
  • 404 Not Found:
    • Occurs if no boarding settings are found for the specified ISO.
    • Response body:
        "error": "Not Found",
        "message": "Boarding settings not found for the ISO"

#### Notes:
- The boarding settings are specific to the ISO associated with the API user’s token.
- These settings define the requirements and process that the ISO enforces for merchants during the boarding process.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!