Update merchant's sales and business profile

API Method: POST /api/v1/merchant/account


This API endpoint allows a payment processor or merchant service provider to update a merchant's sales and business profile within the payment processing system. This profile information typically includes details such as sales volume, business description, contact information, and other relevant data required for merchant boarding and underwriting.

Request Method:




Request Headers:

  • Authorization: Basic <token> (Required)
    The merchant or payment processor must provide a valid authorization token for access.

Request Body:

The request body must contain the following JSON object:

  "merchantAccount": {
    "sic": "string",
    "sellingRegulatedSubstances": true,
    "massageServices": true,
    "sellingGasFuel": true,
    "typeOfOwnership": "Corporation",
    "businessType": "Other",
    "accountType": "C",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "businessCheckingRoutingNumber": "string",
    "achMethod": "Combine",
    "averageTicket": 0,
    "highTicket": 0,
    "salesToConsumers": 0,
    "salesToBusiness": 0,
    "salesToGovernment": 0,
    "bankName": "string",
    "goodsAndServices": "string",
    "returnPolicy": "string",
    "nextDayFunding": true,
    "sameDayFunding": true,
    "isVsMcDsNetwork": true,
    "monthlyVolume": 0,
    "annualVolume": 0,
    "retail": 0,
    "imprint": 0,
    "moto": 0,
    "internet": 0,
    "cardNotPresentInformation": {
      "isWebHosting": true,
      "isDomainRegistration": true,
      "isWebPageDesign": true,
      "isAuction": true,
      "isInternetServiceGateway": true,
      "isSellingDigitalService": true,
      "isAdvertisement": true,
      "isSellingHardGoods": true,
      "isOther": true,
      "otherInternetBusinessType": "string",
      "advertiseOrPromotion": "string",
      "secureTransactionInformation": "string",
      "vendors": "string",
      "productFulfillment": "string",
      "saleDescription": "string",
      "monthly": 0,
      "yearly": 0,
      "quarterly": 0,
      "oneTime": 0,
      "hourly": 0,
      "isMonthly": true,
      "isYearly": true,
      "isQuarterly": true,
      "isOneTime": true,
      "isHourly": true
  "id": 0

Key Fields:

  • merchant_profile_id: The unique ID of the merchant whose sales and business profile is being updated.
  • business_name: The name under which the merchant operates the business.
  • business_address: The physical address of the business, including street, city, state, postal code, and country.
  • business_phone: A valid phone number for the business.
  • business_email: The main contact email for business communications.
  • business_description: A brief overview of the nature of the business (e.g., retail, online store).
  • sales_volume: The estimated sales figures, provided as both annual and monthly projections.
  • average_transaction_amount: The average amount of each transaction processed by the merchant.
  • highest_transaction_amount: The maximum transaction size expected by the merchant.
  • website_url: The URL of the business's website (if available).
  • contact_person: The primary contact for the business, including their name, phone number, and email address.


On a successful request, the API will return a JSON response with the updated details of the merchant's business profile.

  "success": true,
  "message": "Merchant profile updated successfully.",
  "merchant_id": "string"

Response Fields:

  • success: A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.
  • message: A confirmation message for the update operation.
  • merchant_id: The unique ID of the merchant whose profile has been updated.

Error Responses:

In the case of an error, the API will return an appropriate HTTP status code and a message indicating the issue.

  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid or missing data in the request body.

      "success": false,
      "message": "Invalid request data."
  • 401 Unauthorized: Missing or invalid authorization token.

      "success": false,
      "message": "Authorization token is missing or invalid."
  • 404 Not Found: Merchant ID not found.

      "success": false,
      "message": "Merchant not found."
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An internal server error occurred.

      "success": false,
      "message": "An error occurred while processing the request."


  • Ensure that all required fields are provided in the request body.
  • Optional fields can be omitted if no updates are necessary for those attributes.
  • The request must be authenticated using a valid bearer token for security purposes.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!