Get merchant's equipment

API Method: GET /api/v1/merchant/equipment


This API endpoint retrieves a list of equipment associated with a specific merchant. The equipment may include physical payment terminals, card readers, or other devices used for payment processing by the merchant. The request is based on the provided merchant id, which identifies the specific merchant whose equipment data is being requested.


  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/merchant/equipment

Query Parameters:

  • id (required):
    A unique identifier for the merchant. The id is used to retrieve all equipment registered under the specified merchant.
    • Type: String
    • Example: id=12345


  • Status Code:

    • 200 OK: If the list of equipment is successfully retrieved.
    • 400 Bad Request: If the id parameter is missing or invalid.
    • 404 Not Found: If no equipment is found for the given merchant ID.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue processing the request.
  • Response Body:
    The response contains details about the equipment associated with the merchant, including equipment type, status, and serial numbers.

Use Case:

This API method is used by ISO/ISV or administrators to view and manage the equipment associated with their account. It provides an overview of the merchant’s devices, helping track the status and details of each piece of equipment, such as serial numbers and operational status.

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