Get data from OMA settings

API Method: GET /api/v1/merchant/online/getSettings


This API endpoint is used to retrieve the settings for an Online Merchant Application based on a specific template. These settings contain configuration data for the merchant onboarding process, such as default parameters, payment options, or workflow steps. The endpoint provides the necessary settings for the online merchant application as defined by the specified template.


  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/merchant/online/getSettings

Query Parameters:

  • templateId (required):
    A unique identifier for the template from which the settings are to be retrieved. The templateId refers to a predefined configuration template that contains the settings for the online merchant application.
    • Type: String
    • Example: templateId=tmpl_123456


  • Status Code:

    • 200 OK: If the settings for the given templateId are successfully retrieved.
    • 400 Bad Request: If the templateId is missing or invalid.
    • 404 Not Found: If no settings are found for the specified template.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue processing the request.
  • Response Body:
    The response contains the settings for the online merchant application in JSON format. These settings may include payment options, application flow steps, required documentation, and other configuration options from the template.

Use Case:

This API method is used during the merchant onboarding process to retrieve the specific settings of an online merchant application based on a predefined template. It allows administrators or systems to load the relevant configurations, ensuring that the correct workflows, payment options, and document requirements are presented to the merchant during the onboarding process.

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