Get merchant's sales and business profile

API Method: GET /api/v1/merchant/account


This API endpoint retrieves the sales and business profile of a merchant within a payment processing system. The merchant's profile includes detailed information related to the merchant’s business operations, sales data, and other relevant business attributes necessary for payment processing, regulatory compliance, and performance monitoring.


GET /api/v1/merchant/account


  • To provide an overview of the merchant's business profile, including key information such as business name, location, type, sales metrics, and other operational details.
  • To facilitate a smooth onboarding process by ensuring the payment processor has access to up-to-date merchant information.
  • To offer insights into the merchant's sales performance and trends over time, helping both the merchant and the payment processor manage and optimize their partnership.


  • Required: Yes, the request must be authenticated using an API key or an OAuth token.
  • Role-based Access: Only authorized users such as merchants or administrators can access the merchant profile.


  • Headers:

    • Authorization: Basic token or API key to authenticate the request.
    • Content-Type: application/json (if applicable).
  • Query Parameters: (optional)

    • merchant_profile_id: (string) Filter the request for a specific merchant by ID. If omitted, the current authenticated merchant's profile will be returned.


  • Success (200 OK):
    • The request returns a JSON object containing the merchant's sales and business profile, including but not limited to:
      • merchant_id: Unique identifier of the merchant.
      • business_name: The name of the merchant's business.
      • business_type: Type of business (e.g., retail, online services).
      • business_address: The physical or registered address of the business.
      • contact_email: The primary email for business communications.
      • phone_number: Merchant's contact phone number.
      • created_at: The date when the merchant account was created.
      • updated_at: The date of the last profile update.
  • Error Responses:
    • 401 Unauthorized: If the authentication token is invalid or missing.
    • 403 Forbidden: If the user doesn't have the necessary permissions to access this endpoint.
    • 404 Not Found: If no merchant profile is found for the given merchant_id.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an error on the server side while processing the request.

Example Request:

GET /api/v1/merchant/account?merchant_id=12345
Authorization: Basic your-token-here
Content-Type: application/json


  • Ensure that sensitive information is properly secured when accessing or transmitting data via this API.
  • The sales data provided in this endpoint can be used for analysis or reporting purposes to track merchant performance over time.
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