Get all attachments from UW task

API Method: GET /api/v1/uwTasks/ticket/getAttachmentsByTicketId


This API endpoint retrieves all attachments associated with a specific Underwriting (UW) task ticket. Underwriting tasks often require the submission of documents, such as identification or financial statements. This method allows users to view all the files that have been uploaded to a particular UW task, enabling easy access to relevant documentation for the underwriting process.


  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/uwTasks/ticket/getAttachmentsByTicketId
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters:

The request should include the following parameters:

  • ID (required):
    The unique identifier of the merchant whose UW task attachments are being retrieved.

    • Type: int32
    • Example: ID=12345
  • ticketId (required):
    The identifier of the specific underwriting task (ticket) for which the attachments are being requested.

    • Type: int32
    • Example: ticketId=67890


  • Status Code:

    • 200 OK: If the attachments are successfully retrieved.
    • 400 Bad Request: If the ID or ticketId is missing or invalid.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue processing the request.
  • Response Body:
    The response includes a list of attachments for the specified UW task, including details such as the file name, type of attachment (e.g., Driver license, SSN, etc.), upload timestamp, and uploader.

Example Request:

GET /api/v1/uwTasks/ticket/getAttachmentsByTicketId?ID=12345&ticketId=67890

Use Case:

This API method is used by ISO/ISV, administrators, or underwriting teams to retrieve all files and attachments uploaded to a specific UW task. It helps in reviewing necessary documents, ensuring the underwriting process has all the required supporting materials for task completion.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!