Update merchant's business and owner information

API Method: Update Merchant's Business and Owner Information

Endpoint: POST /api/v1/merchant/parameters

This API method allows a payment processing service to update the business and owner information of a registered merchant. This typically includes updating details like business address, ownership details, tax information, and any other necessary parameters required for compliance and payment processing.


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/merchant/parameters
  • Content-Type: application/json
Request Body Parameters

The request body should be a JSON object containing the following fields:

  1. merchant_profile_id (string, required):
    A unique identifier assigned to the merchant by the payment processing system.

  2. businessName (string, optional):
    The legal name of the business.

  3. businessAddress (object, optional):
    Details about the business’s address.

    • streetAddress (string, required): Street address of the business.
    • city (string, required): City where the business is located.
    • state (string, required): State or province where the business operates.
    • postalCode (string, required): ZIP or postal code.
    • country (string, required): Country of the business's operation.
  4. taxId (string, optional):
    Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the business.

  5. ownerInformation (object, optional):
    Information about the owner(s) of the business.

    • firstName (string, required): Owner's first name.
    • lastName (string, required): Owner's last name.
    • email (string, optional): Owner's email address.
    • phone (string, optional): Owner’s contact number.
    • ssn (string, optional): Social Security Number (SSN) or equivalent for identity verification (usually for compliance purposes).
    • ownershipPercentage (number, optional): Percentage of ownership the individual holds in the business.
  6. businessType (string, optional):
    Specifies the type of business (e.g., Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation).

  7. bankDetails (object, optional):
    Bank account details for payments and deposits.

    • bankName (string, optional): Name of the bank.
    • accountNumber (string, optional): Business’s bank account number.
    • routingNumber (string, optional): Bank routing number for processing transactions.
  8. additionalInfo (object, optional):
    Any other additional details or metadata required for the merchant's business profile.

Sample Request Body
  "parameters": {
    "customerServicePhoneNum": "string",
    "federalTaxId": "string",
    "dateOfStartBusiness": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
    "merchantEmail": "string",
    "merchantWebsite": "string",
    "multipleLocations": true,
    "numOfLocations": 0,
    "legalAddress": {
      "name": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "phone": "string",
      "fax": "string"
    "dbaAddress": {
      "name": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "phone": "string",
      "fax": "string"
    "primaryOwner": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "zip": "string",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "ownership": 0,
      "email": "string",
      "guarantor": true,
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z"
    "secondaryOwner": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "zip": "string",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "ownership": 0,
      "email": "string",
      "guarantor": true,
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z"
    "owner3": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "zip": "string",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "ownership": 0,
      "email": "string",
      "guarantor": true,
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z"
    "owner4": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "zip": "string",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "ownership": 0,
      "email": "string",
      "guarantor": true,
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z"
    "controllingOfficer1": {
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "address": "string",
      "zip": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "guarantor": true
    "controllingOfficer2": {
      "dateOfBirth": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "ssn": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "title": "President",
      "address": "string",
      "zip": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "state": "Alaska",
      "homePhone": "string",
      "typeOfIssuedID": "USPassport",
      "idNumber": "string",
      "idExpirationDate": "2024-09-18T11:08:53.013Z",
      "guarantor": true
  "id": 0


Success (HTTP Status 200)

A successful update of the merchant’s information will return a response confirming the update.

Sample Success Response:
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Merchant information updated successfully",
  "merchantId": "12345ABC"
Error Responses
  • 400 Bad Request:
    Returned if any required fields are missing or contain invalid values.

    Sample Response:

      "status": "error",
      "message": "Invalid merchant ID"
  • 401 Unauthorized:
    Returned if the request lacks valid authentication or authorization.

  • 500 Internal Server Error:
    If the server encounters any errors while processing the request.


This endpoint requires the user to be authenticated, typically using an API key or Basic Authentication passed in the request headers.

  • Authorization: Basic <token>
  • Content-Type: application/json

This API method is essential for updating merchant records, ensuring compliance, and maintaining accurate business and ownership information for payment processing purposes.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!