Underwriting / Upload documents

The Underwriting / Upload Documents API enables partners to manage the underwriting process by retrieving notes, uploading required documents, and submitting for underwriting review.

This suite of APIs allows partners to ensure that all required underwriting information and documents are available for the underwriting team to make informed decisions.

Key Features:

  • Retrieve Underwriting Notes: Access underwriting notes related to the merchant's application.
  • Upload Documents: Submit various types of documents required for underwriting, including risk documents, financial statements, and others.
  • Underwriting Review: Notify the underwriting team once all necessary documents have been uploaded, marking the merchant profile as ready for review.
  1. [GET] /api/v1/merchant/underwritingNotes - If the UW status needs to call the next method, you most likely need to load additional merchant documents.
  2. [POST] /api/v1/merchant/attachment - The method is used to upload documents to verify the merchant's UW information.
  3. [POST] /api/v1/merchant/underwritingReview - It should be done after the documents have been uploaded, so that underwriting can see that the documents have been uploaded.

Request [GET] /api/v1/merchant/underwritingNotes:

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescriptionValidationExample Example Values
ID MerchantProfileTsysMerchantTsysMerchantMerchant profile id from submit responseOnly digits123

Response [GET] /api/v1/merchant/underwritingNotes:

  "data": [  
      "text": "string", - Text from Notes  
      "author": "string", - UW Team author  
      "date": "2023-12-19T07:33:22.362Z" - Date of note setting  
  "status": "Continue", - Status of current request  
  "error": "string",  
  "validationResults": \[  
      "memberNames": [  
      "errorMessage": "string"  
  "requestId": 0  

Request [POST] /api/v1/merchant/attachment:

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescriptionValidationExample Example Values
ID MerchantProfileTsysMerchantTsysMerchantMerchant profile id from submit responseOnly digits12
UploadFileRequestStringRequiredFormat of type document'CForm501', 'ACHInformation', 'AdditionalDocuments', 'BankStatements', 'CancellationLetter', 'CorporateTaxReturns', 'CreditReport', 'DigitalSignatureChange', 'FinancialStatements', 'MarketingMaterials', 'MerchantApplication', 'Miscellaneous', 'PCICertificates', 'PimsDocuments', 'ProcessingStatements', 'RiskDocuments', 'SiteInspectionValidation', 'VoidCheck', 'WebSnapshot', 'Whois', 'Other', 'UnderwritingMerchantInformation', 'CCAuthorizationForm', 'Invoice', 'CloverAddendum', 'CloverGoAddendum', 'DriversLicense', 'PosPurchaseForm', 'ConfirmMpa', 'PlacementAgreement', 'CreditProfile'
dataStringRequiredFile data encoded in Base64
fileNameStringRequiredFile namedriverlicence.png
commentStringOptionalComment for fileTest comment for file
riskDocumentbooleanOptionalIs this a risk document (for underwriting documents; if false, file will be uploaded to TSYS)truetrue

Response [POST] /api/v1/merchant/attachment:

  "data": {  
    "success": true  
  "status": "Continue",  
  "error": "string",  
  "validationResults": \[  
      "memberNames": [  
      "errorMessage": "string"  
  "requestId": 0  

Request [POST] /api/v1/merchant/underwritingReview:

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescriptionValidationExample Example Values
ID MerchantProfileTsysMerchantTsysMerchantMerchant profile id from submit responseOnly digits123
CommentStringOptionalComment for underwritingReview requestTextPreApproved

Response /api/v1/merchant/underwritingReview:

  "data": {
    "success": true
  "status": "Continue",
  "error": "string",
  "warning": "string",
  "validationResults": [
      "memberNames": [
      "errorMessage": "string"
  "requestId": 0