Get Merchant Status
The Get Merchant Status API allows partners to retrieve the current status of a merchant after they have been boarded. This API provides details on the merchant’s current processing status, as well as any related information such as comments or validation results.
Key Features:
- Real-Time Merchant Status: Retrieves the latest status of the merchant, including status date, comments, and the merchant ID (MID).
- Validation Results: Includes any validation results from the submission process, with detailed error messages and member names for troubleshooting.
- TSYS integration: Before the MID is sent to TSYS in HQ, a temporary MID is created in the system
- [GET] /api/v1/merchant/status - Requesting the merchant's status after boarding.
Request [GET] /api/v1/merchant/status:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Validation | Example Values |
ID MerchantProfile | TsysMerchant | TsysMerchant | Merchant profile id from submit response | Only digits | 12 |
Response [GET] /api/v1/merchant/status:
"data": {
"status": "string", - Status of merchant
"statusDate": "2023-12-19T07:33:22.294Z", - Date of status setting
"comment": "string", -
"mid": "string" - MerchantID or Temporary MerchantID, before the merchant is submitted to TSYS
"status": "Continue", - Status of current request
"error": "string",
"validationResults": \[
"memberNames": [
"errorMessage": "string"
"requestId": 0
Updated 4 months ago