Add terminal and get VAR Sheet

The Add Terminal and Get VAR Sheet API allows partners to add a terminal for a merchant and retrieve the merchant's full profile, including the VAR (Value-Added Reseller) sheet. These APIs ensure that the terminal setup is complete and the merchant profile is fully accessible.

Key Features:

  • Add Terminal: Easily add a terminal for a merchant, with details about the terminal status and ID returned in the response.
  • Retrieve Merchant Profile: Export the full merchant profile, including equipment and VAR sheet information, ensuring complete visibility into the merchant’s terminal setup and profile data.
  1. [POST] /api/v1/merchant/stageOnlyTerminal - Adding a terminal for the merchant
  2. [GET] /api/export/MerchantProfile - Get full merchant profile including equipment (with VAR Sheet)

Request [POST] /api/v1/merchant/stageOnlyTerminal:

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescriptionValidationExample Example Values
ID MerchantProfileTsysMerchantTsysMerchantMerchant profile id from submit responseOnly digits12

Response [POST] /api/v1/merchant/stageOnlyTerminal:

  "terminalId": 456,  
  "status": "New",  
  "requestId": 123,  
  "success": true  

Request [GET] /api/export/MerchantProfile:

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescriptionValidationExample Example Values
ID MerchantProfileTsysMerchantTsysMerchantMerchant profile id from submit responseOnly digits12

Response [GET] /api/export/MerchantProfile:

  "merchantStatus": {
    "internalMid": 0,
    "merchantId": "string",
    "lastModified": "2024-09-17T06:50:56.941Z",
    "status": 0,
    "statusDate": "2024-09-17T06:50:56.941Z",
    "uwComment": "string"
  "merchant": {
    "merchantProfile": {
      "smallMerchFlag": true,
      "cashDiscount": "No",
      "agentProfileId": 0,
      "pos": "None",
      "boardingSettingsId": 0,
      "mid": "string"
    "businessAndOwnerInformation": {
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      "federalTaxId": "string",
      "dateOfStartBusiness": "2024-09-17T06:50:56.941Z",
      "merchantEmail": "string",
      "merchantWebsite": "string",
      "multipleLocations": true,
      "numOfLocations": 0,
      "legalAddress": {
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  "merchantStatusHistory": [
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